Feel free to contact me 0403 973 368. [email protected]
Individual Therapy and Relationship Counselling.
I currently work from rooms located at 155 Plenty Road Preston..
I am available for consultation during business hours on Monday - Thursday occasionally early evening appointments are available on request.
The out of pocket cost per consultation is $160 for an hour of individual therapy $180 hr for couples therapy and $200 for a 90 minute EMDR session.
A small concession can be negotiated for those who require it.
Individual Clinical Reflection/Supervision.
I am an accredited supervisor with ANZACATA and i am available for individual clinical reflection for therapists of all backgrounds Monday to Thursday.
The cost per session is $180 per hour.
A concession rate can be negotiated for those who require it.
My recommendation is for supervisees to alternately attend both group and individual supervision.
Group Supervision
Group supervision takes place on Fridays in groups of no more than six and the cost is $100 for the two hour session. Participants may attend regularly or sporadically and can book on a session by session basis.
Making an appointment.
Before booking an appointment I would like to speak with you on the phone to find out a little about you and answer any questions you might have.
Appointments can be arranged by phoning me on 0403973368 or by emailing [email protected] or via the form below.
How long will we work together for?
If after the first session you decide that you would like to continue working with me, I will usually invite you to book a further four sessions.
At the conclusion of the four sessions we will review our work together in the context of your therapeutic aims and goals.
At that time you can make a decision to conclude the therapy or commit to another set of sessions.
Past Events

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